Tuesday 2 August 2016

Mobile App Idea for Testing Laboratory Services

Recently KRIFY’s Mobile App Development Team has developed a new product that we customised into an intuitive Android/iPhone App for your Laboratory Services.

Core Functionalities of the Mobile App: 
1) Sharing reports easily with colleagues and customers in real time, through app.
2) Testing details are accessible to clients on their smartphones.
3) All services are exhibited to user on home page.
4) Sending notifications to users when any sample or report is updated.
5) Search functionality based on keyword to sort reports.
If you are looking for an Mobile App Solution with same and/or additional functionalities, please enter your details  @ https://krify.co/contact/

Krify provides best in class mobile app as well as web development services. Let me know if you want to develop intuitive and responsive Website or Mobile App for your Laboratory Services.

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